20 and 21 October 2017
Wichita, KS

Guro Jerome will be returning to Kansas for a weekend curriculum workshop on the basic and semi-advanced materials of the Nickelstick Balintawak. This will include various levels of the basics curriculum with introduction to Grouping, disarming, and trapping. Time permitting Guro J will also cover some empty hands and blade from his personal curriculae. This event is open to the public. Cost is $80 for one day and $150 for the weekend. Registration and payment link coming soon.



7 and 8 July 2017
Chantilly, VA

Guro Jerome Teague recently traveled to Chantilly, VA as one of the presenters for the Balintwak Arnis Invasion seminar/ Gathering of Masters, hosted by Jhun Occidental of Kapatiran Mandirigma of VA/MD/DC . In attendance were US based Masters of various Balintawak styles and sister systems. The seminar was held at Nova Field House with round the clock training occuring at the Comfort Inn and Suites conference room. Instructors in attendance included:

  • Master Zacharias Taco (WOTBAG Balintawak)
  • Master Eugene Nepangue (WOTBAG Balintawak)
  • Masters Cyrus Bonjoc (Nickelstick Balintawak)
  • Master Rino Balinado (NECOPA Balintawak)
  • Master Jojo Yugay (Tabimina Balintawak)
  • Master Jhun Occidental (Taboada Balintawak/ Kombatan Arnis)
  • Guro John Soriano (Taboada Balintawak)
  • Guro Jerome Teague (AE/ Nickelstick)
  • Grandmaster Brian Zawilinski (Modern Arnis)

Look forward to future gathering in the Washington D.C. area and forth coming Pacific Northwest Gathering being planned by Master Rino Balinado in the Seattle, WA are.




19 and 20 May 2017
Wichita, KS

Guro Jerome Teague recently visited Wichita Kansas for a private group training for Kansas State Federal Probation Officers. This training was scheduled on Friday May 19th. Twenty officers attended from the surrounding areas, some traveling a 6 hour round trip to attend. The officers were taken through a specially designed LEO progression from Guro Jerome’s Counter Blade Tactics Curriculum focused on empty hands against the blade while accessing primary weapon systems (firearms and OC Spray). Later in the day, the armed officers worked on weapon retention and close quarter shooting skills.

Some officers involved were individual trainers for their respective departments. All remarked on the quality of the curriculum and Guro J’s instructional style. The group intends to bring Guro J back for future training with the potential of CBT materials being added to departmental training curriculae

On Saturday. May 20th, Guro Jerome taught an introductory Balintawak workshop open to the public. While in Wichita, Guro J also tested his student, Michael Allen, and Michael’s senior student, Brandon Weiser for level one certification in Nickelstick. Both passed the exam and Michael Allen is currently available in the area for instruction on Balintawak and martial arts in general.

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4 and 5 March 2017
Richmond, V

Richmond Balintawak was proud to host Guro Jerome Teague for a 2 day seminar on his Counter Blade Tactics (CBT). CBT is a distilled approach to surviving blade encounters derived for Guro Teague’s experience in military combat operations, combat psychology, and anatomy as well as his extensive training and research in Filipino and Japanese martial arts.

Day one will focused on the basics of blade to blade scenarios as a teaching platform  worked into the empty hand against blade on day two.


28 and 29 January 2017
Louisville, KY

Guro Jerome Teague taught a small weekend workshop at Iron body Fitness in Louisville Kentucky. Attendees had a diverse back ground consisting of Kung Fu, Jujitsu, and FMA. On Saturday, Guro J introduced the group to the Nickelstick Balintawak curriculum by covering basic striking, body mechanics for power and control, foot work, and drilling (Agak). Additionally he covered some of his personal FMA 101 Curriculum which includes elements of Modern Arnis, VLK, and Applied Eskrima.

On Sunday the group focused on blade work as taught in Guro J’s Counter Blade Tactics curriculum. The first hour was dedicated to footwork, because as the attendees learned as they progressed into defensive cutting and drilling, if you can not move your feet, you are in a lot of trouble. After lunch the group moved into some empty hand counters to bladed attacks by first learning a 10 out lock flow Guro J utilizes to teach the anatomical principles of weapon disarming. They completed the seminar by working a series of 8 disarms/breaks and a fail safe progression when one technique fails.

Attendees enjoyed Guro Teague’s detailed hands on and laid back teaching style and found the weekend to be filled with useful tactics and drills to improve on their respective systems.

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26, 27, 28 August 2016
Thessaloniki/ Chalkidiki, Greece

Guro Jerome Teague will be instructing at a three day long FMA camp in Chalkidiki Greece alongside his friend and mentor in Nickelstick Balintawak, Guro Christos Kousatasios. The three day long even will include elements of Applied Eskrima, Nickelstick, as well as materials from both instructors’ personal curriculums (empty hands, long blade, knife, and double sticks). DVD will be available on Guro Teague’s webstore.

21 February 2016
Atlanta, GA

Atlanta Southeast Asian Martial Arts presented Guro Jerome Teague for a public seminar on Counter Blade Tactics, . Guro Jerome instructed on some core blade to blade and empty hand to blade concepts. This progression is designed to take you from 0 to proficient in a short time.

Topics Covered included:

Defensive Methods
Fatal and Non Fatal Applications
Reflex Drilling
Basic Empty Hand to Blade Defense

23 January 2016
Columbus, OH

Counter Blade Tactics

Endeavor Krav Maga and CrossFit hosted Guro Jerome Teague for a public seminar on Counter Blade Tactics in January 2016. The seminar was attended by about 30 individuals, comprised of members of Endeavor as well as various practitioners of the Filipino Martial Arts from the greater Columbus area. A few Balintawak practitioners attending made a 10 hour drive through blizzard conditions from Richmond, VA to train. There will a DVD of the event available in Guro Jerome Teague’s webstore in the coming weeks.

Topics Covered:
Anatomical Targeting
Defensive Cutting
Fatal and Non Fatal Terminations
Meeting and Following Force Application
Countering Common Defenses
Reflex Drilling
Basic Empty Hand to Blade Defense

13 – 15 November 2015
Charlotte, NC

Taboada World Camp

Guro Jerome Teague was invited to attend GM Bobby Taboada’s World Camp in Charlotte, NC. The event consisted of a training/ meet and greet on Friday night where Guro J was among the instructors invited to present a 15 minute demo/training for attendees. He chose to present some basic empty hand defense against knife. Video available below.

Saturday consisted of seminar training with GM Bobby followed by student testing on Sunday.

11 – 12 July 2015
Washington D.C.

Balintawak Legacy – Gathering of Masters

Guro Jerome Teague traveled to Chantilly, VA to present and participate in the annual Balintawak Legacy Gathering of Masters. He kicked off the weekend as the first instructor taking participants through a quick warmup and basic Balintawak review before getting into more advanced locking and trapping techniques of the Applied Eskrima System.

The list of presenters was a “who’s who” of the Balintawak family of Filipino Martial Arts including many of the Grandmasters and top Masters from the US, Europe, and the Philippines.

GM Bobby Taboada (Taboada Arnis Cuentada) GM Nene Gaabucayan (NNG Balintawak) GM Monie Velez (WOTBAG) GM Sam Buot (Balintawak International) GM Crispulo Atillo (Atillo World Balintawak) GM Shelley Millspaugh (Kapatiran Mandirigma Master Zack Taco (WOTBAG) Master Eugene Nepangue (WOTBAG) Master Cyrus Bonjoc (Nickelstick) Master David Hatch (Balintawak International) Datu Tim Hartman (Modern Arnis) Guro Rino Balinado (NECOPA Balintawak)

Here is a clip of some of the material Guro Jerome presented. (Video filmed after the presentation.)

28 – 29 March 2015
Atlanta, GA

Fundamentals and Sparring Drills of Applied Eskrima Balintawak

$100 for both days
$60 for one day

NOTE: It is highly recommended for everyone to attend both days due to the nature of the material and that each topic Guro Teague will instruct on will build off the previous.


25 – 26 April 2015
Louisville, KY

Fundamentals and Sparring Drills of Applied Eskrima Balintawak

$100 for both days
$60 for one day

NOTE: It is highly recommended for everyone to attend both days due to the nature of the material and that each topic Guro Teague will instruct on will build off the previous.


8-9 November 2014
Louisville, KY

Master Virgil Orlanes Cavada, founder and headmaster of Applied Eskrima will be instructing his Annual seminar training in the Southeastern USA. Master V, will take attendees through the basic to semi-advanced concepts, drills, and techniques of the Applied Eskrima System.

Join us and see why Applied Eskrima is one of the fastest spreading FMA systems around and is currently being adopted all over the globe by luminaries like Guro Dan Inosanto who trains with Master V privately at his academy in Marina Del Rey.

Cost for attendance:

$100 for one day if registered before October 24th
$180 for the weekend if registered before October 24th.

Post Registration and Door
$130 for one day
$200 for the weekend



17-19 October 2014
Atlanta, Georgia


23 & 24 August 2014
Louisville, Kentucky

On Saturday, August 23rd and Sunday August 24th, Iron Body Fitness is proud to host Guro Jerome Teague for Kentucky’s first ever Applied Eskrima Balintawak seminar. The seminar will be a weekend long intensive training event covering the essential elements of this highly effective, close quarters weapon art.

To Register Please Contact:
Mr. Dave Randolph at
(502) 267-6030

1 Day- $60
2 Days-$100

After August 8th:
1 Day- $80
2 Days- $150

12 July 2014
Nashville, Tennessee

Guro Jerome Teague will be instructing a 6 hour seminar on the fundamental to semi-advanced applications of the AE close quarters system and general Filipino Martial Arts.

Cost $60 if pre-payed before July 5th, and $85 at the door.

Topics to be covered:

  • Double Stick (for coordination and mobility)
  • Balintawak Method Single Stick (drills, disarming, locking and trapping)
  • Single Knife (knife vs knife and empty hand counters)
  • Basic Empty Hands Drilling (dirty boxing and joint locks
  • Please bring sticks, a training knife, and boxing mitts.

July Seminar Flyer

31 May – 1 June 2014
Houston, Texas

Guro Jerome Teague will be conducting 3 days of private training and a weekend seminar on the foundations of Applied Eskrima for the DGCFS Group. To register, please contact  Mr. Sauer at (281) 450-8590 or Mr. Traylor at (713) 446-7973

Houston Flyer

19 April 2014
Nashville, TN

Joint Seminar with Guro Jerome Teague and Guru Mike Casto
Roger Killen’s TKD
4894 Nolensville Pike, Nashville TN

Guru Mike Casto and Guro Jerome Teague will be conducting a joint seminar on elements of their respective Close-Quarters Silat and Filipino Martial Arts systems. This event is open to practitioners of any style and experience level, 21 and older.

Guru Casto will be covering essential entry tactics designed to close the gap in combative encounters with emphasis on “stealing and opponent’s space” to quickly terminate through striking and/or takedowns, locks, breaks. This “Stealing Space” workshop is designed to provide attendees with insight into these essential components of Silat and allow them to incorporate these components into their own training immediately.

Guro Jerome Teague will be taking practitioners through a series of blade drills to provide attendees with some of the essential and more advanced applications of blade vs. blade combat in the Filipino Martial Arts. This training will consist of elements of multiple styles with emphasis on the close quarters applications of Applied Eskrima Balintawak. Time permitting; Guro Teague will also include a progression of empty hand vs. a blade attack consisting of an easy to follow progression of body mechanics, limb destruction, locking, and disarms.

Gear Requirements
At minimum attendees should come equipped with safety glasses or goggles. We strive for control and safety in our training, but accidents happen so we prefer to be prepared. A training knife and hand/forearm protection is advised, but not required.

$75 if registered and paid before April 12th $100 from 4/13-Day of the Event

Train hard, train safe, and we look forward to seeing you on the 19th in Nashville.

ELCHE, SPAIN: Public Seminar with Master Virgil Cavada, March 29 & 30, 2014


We are excited to announce Master Virgil Cavada will be returning to Spain for another Applied Eskrima Seminar, March 29 and 30, 2014! Please contact Sifu Guro Jesus Moya for details on this seminar or the Applied Eskrima system in Spain by telephone 662-01-78-34, at [email protected], or at www.warriors.es

15 & 16 March 2014
Boston, MA

This seminar will be covering the foundational material of the Close Quarters Filipino Martial Art of Applied Eskrima Balintawak.

Guro Jerome Teague is a former member of the US Army and an Iraq War Veteran. He is a lifelong practitioner of martial arts, holding instructor ranks in Japanese Budo, and Shaolin Kung Fu. His Filipino Martial Arts experience consists of Modern Arnis, Inosanto Lacoste Kali, Villabrille Largusa Kali, and Applied Eskrima Saavedra System, of which Guro Teague is one of Grandmaster Virgil Cavada’s leading stewards and top instructors in the United States. Please join us in welcoming Guro Jerome Teague and Applied Eskrima for the first of what we hope will be many training events at Halifax Karate Center and the greater Massachusetts Martial Arts community.

For more information on Guro Jerome and the Applied Eskrima system, please visit www.appliedeskrima.com

March 15th & 16th, 2014 – 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Pre-Registration Rates
$100 – 1 Day / $150 – 2 Days

Post-Registration (after February 1st)
$125- 1 Day / $175- 2 Days

At the Door
$ 175- 1 Day / $ 225- 2 Days

Contact: Mr. Jeff Rosen at (508) 272-3601

Boston Seminar Flyer


The FMAid Project was founded on Novermeber 14th by Guro Jerome Teague and Guro Elmann Cabotage. Together with the efforts of other affiliated grass roots efforts by the Tadena and Cavada families, approximately $10,000 worth of material and cash donations was raised for Typhoon Relief in the Philippines.

On January 14th, 2014, Guro Jerome Teague departed Nashville, TN to meet Guro Marvin Ubanos, a fellow AE instructor, and Master Virgil Cavada at his family home in Catmon Cebu, Philippines. While there, the three purchased relief goods with funds gathered from their respective efforts and personally delivered them to some of lesser known areas affected by the typhoon and earthquake.

The primary recipient for a majority of the aid was the small fishing village of Poblacion on the Isand of Bantayan in Northern Cebu. The people of Bantayan are often past over for relief goods due to their political demographic. FMAid and Master Cavada arrived on Tuesday, January 28th, with grains, donated clothing, and roofing materials to repair the severely damages homes of residents. The group were informed that this was the first assistance that the people of Poblacion had received. The people of Poblacion were in desperate need and nearly exhausted the bulk of aid supplies. What little clothing and grain was left was distributed in other areas of Cebu like Borbon.

Keep an eye out for future FMAid events for continuing charity efforts for the Philippines.

25 & 26 January 2014
Loboc, Bohol, Philippines

From January 14th-February 6th Guro Jerome will be in the Philippines assisting Master Virgil Orlanes Cavada with the first Applied Eskrima seminar in the Philippines. While abroad Guro Jerome will also be conducting disaster relief work  in areas affected by Tyhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) under the banner of the non-profit FMAid Project. While away,  all training inquiries in Nashville may be directed to Andrea Iacopini at [email protected]

To Register for the seminar, please contact:

PHILIPPINES Inquiries:: Raymond — 63-916-726-6281
Genevieve — 63-915-869-9136
Email: [email protected]
Nelvy — 63-917-209-7546
Email: [email protected]

UNITED STATES inquiries: Adel- 1-215-288-5821
Gay –1-215-391-6946
Email:[email protected]

For more information of FMAid Project please visit www.facebook.com/FMAid


14 December 2013
FMAid Seminar, Nashville TN

On December 14, 2013, the FMAid Project, founded by Guro Jerome Teague with the assistance of Punong Guro Elmann Cabotage, held its first annual charity event to raise money for disaster relief in the Philippines.

Among the presenters who donated their time were Guro David Gould of Lameco Eskrima, Guro Viko Perrine of Kalis Ilustrisimo, Guro Jerome Teague of Applied Eskrima, and Guro Elmann Cabotage of Taboata Balintawak. Each presenter instructed attendees on some of the core elements of their respective systems. The seminar was one of the largest FMA events in the Southeast with attendance topping out at 40 attendees, with many additional donations being accepted at the door and through PayPal. Among those in attendance were Guro Robin Schermerhorn of Dog Brothers Martial Arts and Silat Suffian Bela Diri (Memphis, TN) and Guro Keith Groves of Villabrille-Largusa Kali (Bowling Green, KY/Nashville, TN).

A DVD of the seminar is currently in production. The DVD is $35 and orders can be placed through PayPal, with payments sent to [email protected]. There is also a limited supply of t-shirts ($35) and hooded sweatshirts ($50) left over from the event, which are also available for order through PayPal. Please specify quantity and size in the order description.

In Janurary, Guro Jerome Teague will be visiting the Central Philippines with founder and headmaster of Applied Eskrima, Virgil Cavada. They will be using proceeds from FMAid and other disaster relief efforts to purchase food and other essential supplies, and hand-carrying these items to some of the more isolated areas hit by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda).

For additional information on the FMAid Project, please contact Guro Jerome Teague at [email protected] or +01 (615) 319-3992

FMAid Seminar Group Photo

June 22 & 23, 2013
Guro Jerome Teague: Seminar in Columbus, Ohio

Guro Jerome Teague, with the assistance of senior student Andrea Iacopini, conducted back to back seminars in Columbus, Ohio at the request of Punong Guro Elmann Cabotage. The first was an advanced level combined Balintawak seminar at Ronin Training Center, in which Guro Teague and Guro Cabotage led the attendees through a progression covering some of Applied Eskrima’s diverse disarming and trapping methods in a free flow context integrating methods of the Taboada Balintawak Arnis Cuentadas System.

Ronin Seminar


The second seminar was conducted at Ohio Krav Maga and Crossfit and focused on some foundational FMA material. Guro Teague taught a 4 hour seminar in which the attendees were taken through his comprehensive and succinct FMA 101 progression. The attendees were introduced to proper striking mechanics, footwork, and long range principles in the context of FMA’s concept of motion grouping (techniques are the same regardless of weapon configuration).
Thank you to Punong Guro Cabotage and the great students and staff at both Ronin Training Center and OKM for the great times, training, and the opportunity to share our particular blend of the Filipino Martial Arts.

OKM Seminar

November 2012
Guro Jerome Teague: Workshop for 90th Combat Engineer Company TNNG

Guro Jerome Teague, with the assistance of senior student Chris O’Rourke, conducted a workshop for the TN National Guard in Knoxville TN. The 2 hour instructional block covered some fundamental Filipino Martial Arts concepts including empty hand against blade, blade against blade, and impact/improvised weapon concepts. Thank you to all the Officers, NCO’s, and Enlisted personnel in attendance and those whose work in planning and implementation made this training possible.

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